Ocean Bound Plastics
Out-Fin-it! Offers the Israeli plastic and packaging industry, with high quality, Recycled
Ocean Plastic, produced by SEArcular Brand – an industry leader!
The SEArcular Brand is certified with the Ocean Bound Plastic certification, which make sure that the granulates you use, are coming from plastic waste collected from the shorelines of rivers and the oceans of Indonesia.
The issue of plastic waste in our oceans is one of the biggest environmental challenges humanity has ever faced.
While preventing plastic waste from arriving at our seas and water bodies is extremely important, what do we do with all the plastic it is already there?
Collecting and recycling! that is the answer!
Out Fin it! Meets the challenge and allows Israeli plastic converters to act respectfully and hold plastic ocean waste in their products!
We offer high quality HDPE, LDPE, LLPDE, PP, PS and more – Ocean Bound Plastic certified. Certified independently by Zero Plastic Oceans www.obpcert.org
Here are some applications that can be produced with Ocean Bound Plastics

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