About Out Fin It
OutFinIt is a unique platform of circular solutions for the Israeli Plastic and packaging industry. Under the Out-Fin-it umbrella we offer 3 different types of solutions, that will help you reach your environmental goals and offer the best solutions for your B2B, B2C clients and B2B suppliers.

What is this "Circular Economy" we keep talking about?
We can define the Circular Economy , as the aim to circulate carbon , endlessly , within the economy.
It should help mankind to stop using fossil Carbon – the main cause of Climate Change.
Whether such carbon is present in the products we consume, or the energy we need to produce those products.
In order to achieve such a comprehensive goal, we must look to the materials our products were made of and make sure they do not contain any new fossil carbon.
We also, would want that the products we consume, find their way back into the economy. Be it as recycled products, or as compost - a soil nutrient, which is the result of biologically recycling organic matter.